Game cards exchange by NLB: Great ways to encourage holiday reading

Wow! Time flies! We are smacked right in the middle of second week of school holidays!

So mummies, most of you must have been kept busy sending your darlings to camps or packing and counting down to your holiday trips!

Sorry to say, I had been sitting on my plannings with my fat bum for weeks! And am only now warming up to the planning. Good thing, my three little tweets (Annotation below)  had been kept busy making trips to libraries borrowing and returning books, with the ultimate aim of making a last minute effort to collect book bugs cards. 

For mummies that may not have made trips to the libraries recently, the nlb occassionally encourage kids picking up reading through launching different series of programmes, lately a collection of game cards. The little readers could exchange their receipts for game cards upon completing every 8 books.

So what are these cards for?  You may refer to the enclosed link for a details on the list of cards as well as game play instructions.

This season they have launched the bugs card till end Dec. And my little readers have only just started! Got to rush now! To head home and send them  to the library again. Why not hurry down to the library with your darlings and start a collection!  

Notes: By now you probably used to me naming them tweets, as I always visualize them tweeting busily around like little birds when they play together


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