Mini Home Science Project: Dancing berries

This is a very interesting and simple Science experiment that anyone can perform with the little kiddos right at home, using very basic kitchen products with minimal mess and fuss.


Items needed -
transparent container, dried berries or any small and lightweight items that would sink, vinegar and lastly baking soda.

  1. Half filled a transparent container with vinegar.
  2. Pour in a teaspoon/tablespoon of baking soda (Depending on size of your container)
  3. The mixture will start to effervescent and emit bubbles profusely for awhile then subsides but continues to bubble gently, just like any fizzy drink.
  4. Immediately throw in a few dried berries, one at a time, and enjoy the observation.


When baking soda and vinegar reacts, the chemical reactions emits carbon dioxide and other components such as water.  As the carbon dioxide bubbles out, it is able to lift the berries. However, as bubbles are unstable, they eventually pop and the berries sinks. As more carbon dioxide is emitted and when the reaction dies eventually, you may need to add more baking soda to continue the "performance".

The experiment we conducted, lasted about 15 minutes.

This should be an interesting experiment to keep your kiddos occupied and learn about chemistry for a while. Enjoy!


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