Trip to Bintan Nirwana

One of the holidays, our family of 5 made a fruitful trip to Indonesia, Bintan Nirwana.

Bintan Nirwana is indeed a very family friendly resort, with a Kid's club , though quite dilapidated, still serves it's purpose of keeping the children occupied with little games and guided tour around the resort, just next to the pool. Parents may deposit their kids with the club, while they enjoy a short "getaway" to spa or simply chill out.

Upon arrival, as it was about an hour and a half before check in, we deposited our luggage at the counter and explored the resort. We were greeted by an iguana mini enclosure as well as a giant English chess game. Just outside the hotel less than a minute away, there is a mini zoo, animal enclosure. These all kept the kids excited and occupied for a long while till it was time to check in to our rooms.

The resort has a very nice pool with an endless view out into the beautiful ocean, there is also a pool bar right at a side. One can really just soak in the water, enjoying a drink and feast on such therapeutic relaxing view for the entire day.

As the pool is just along the beach, the kids enjoyed just running from a good swim in the pool, out to the beach for some sand digging and crab watching. The beach is simply lovely, quite unlike the filthy and human packed beaches we have back home. The sand are fine and white, and if you observe very carefully, you will be rewarded with  surprises of many little activities from the inhabitants of the beach.

Check out the picture on the right, what could you make out of it? 

The kids love to spend a few hours in the coolest part of the day digging sand, and watching little crabs busily transporting  balls of sand and vacating from one home to the other.  The little creaturse simply make little holes like the picture above, then pops into the hole and continues to push out little sand balls to the surface thus leaving many traces of their "art" around.

Apart from that, the kids also had a great time catching hermit crabs and observing them sticking out and hiding back into their shells. This is the first time the little ones are able to find so many little hermit crabs in their natural habitat.

Bintan Nirwana is indeed a family friendly resort, apart from the pool, and kids club, there is also transport provided to other nearby sites with many more activities suitable for the young and old. There are horse and elephant rides, Archery and Rifle range, eagle feeding , bowling alley and flying foxes all located at the resort recreational center. 

With such enriching and relaxing experience from this holiday spot, we are already counting down to our next visit!



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