New generation Math Modeling for kids - how it works?

Many parents frequently lament that the new context of Math is totally different. The approach to a problem solving is no longer as numeric and systematic as in the old syllabus. My eldest boy has just completed his Primary 2 examinations and will be transiting to Primary 3 next year, and I do have to agree with the challenges from the changes.

A brief comparison of a simple addition :

Simple addition model

From the diagram above, most of the earlier generations are used to the standardized numerical method of addition, whereby our thoughts and flow of how the sums are to be added follows a systematic and numerical program.

However, with the new methodology, children are thought to think of a modeling method of searching for the answer. Their flow of thought programmed/ trained to adopt a pictorial/diagrammatic approach, whereby each number or variables are represented in a pictorial form.

As the syllabus progresses, we are able to understand one of the advantage of this new methodology is that it allows the children to form a pictorial image of all the problems on hand, and play around with the details that they are aware. With the map/figure of numbers, they will be able to find out the answers.

Enclosed another sample of question and comparison of problem solving methodology through the different eras (Pardon my word ;P )

As we only took up algebra only at a more advanced age in our Primary school level, yet this question could be solved by an 8 year old child today using a diagrammatic and possibly faster approach. 

I will continue to learn along with the children as we progress together with the new generation.

I hope this helps the new generation parents gain a newer insight to simple Math modeling methodology and understand more about this approach.

Good Luck!


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